10 Year Anniversary
This year marks the 10 year anniversary of opening the original Shuckin’ Shack in Carolina Beach. We’ve come a long ways since those humble beginnings, but just how much do you know about the two dudes who started it? Allow us to introduce them! Matt and Sean met at Sean’s rental shop. The two got to know each other from hanging out at bars in Carolina Beach. If you’ve ever been, you know just how small of a beach town it is. They developed a friendship over the years and eventually decided to open Shuckin’ Shack Oyster Bar.
When asked how they got the idea to open a restaurant, Matt responded, “It was something that I had wanted to do. Sean called one day and said that a property that he had his eye on was becoming available. He asked if I wanted to open an oyster bar with him. I had just graduated from UNCW and figured what the hell!”
The theme was developed over the course of many beers and late nights hanging out in an empty building, designing and coming up with the ideas. Both guys knew that CB needed a local’s oyster bar and designed the theme and the restaurant around that.
The most challenging part of opening the own restaurant, as with most businesses, was the money and logistics.
“We were young and didn’t have a lot of money in the bank. It’s hard to learn how to run the business without letting the business run you,” explains Matt.
They both credit their staff and patrons for making Shuckin’ Shack so successful. “Our staff makes the Shack what it is. A lot of great friendships have been made at that little bar,” says Matt.
Looking forward to the next 10 years, they want to keep The Shack what it is.
“We know that we have to change and adapt to the island, but we want to keep The Shack as close to its roots as possible,” ensures Matt.
If you haven’t had the pleasure of making it to the Carolina Beach Shack, definitely add it to your bucket list. Order some shrimp, wings, and cold beer. They are hard to beat!